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Our Vision

Students use problem solving, reasoning skills, creativity, and collaborative skills to be critical thinkers able to make sense of the world.
Berwick Academy math faculty are committed to preparing students for successful roles in an ever-changing society through curriculum, instruction, and assessment that is dynamic, intellectually challenging, and attentive to the diverse needs of students.

Upper School Philosophy

The math and computer science programs continue to build on the important foundational work of the Middle School math program. Students at all skill levels are challenged and engaged with lessons and curricula designed to foster thinking and depth of understanding. Collaboration with peers is a cornerstone of the Berwick mathematics experience; revision of ideas and clarity of expression is promoted through communication and feedback. Our students build confidence and ownership of ideas with inquisitive discovery and thoughtful application. Technology is integrated into math classes to enhance instruction and the learning of concepts as needed, but never at the expense of person-to-person interaction. Students looking for ways to use their skills and explore beyond the classroom are encouraged to participate in the Upper School Math or Robotics Teams, and/or apply their specialized interests to a Berwick Innovation Pursuit.

Computer Science at Berwick Academy mixes traditional topics and algorithms with experiential learning. Year-long courses have a theoretical approach and focus on large case studies and extensive projects. Trimester elective courses introduce programming concepts and give students the opportunities to learn new skills, such as robotics, app developments, CAD design, gaming, microcontrollers, and engineering. 

Faculty are committed to growth and self-reflection and model these for students, who in turn, are able to reflect on their own learning and growth. While we are committed to preparing students for mathematical success in college, we are equally committed to preparing our students to problem solve, take mathematical risks and think critically through every endeavor they encounter.

Students enter ninth grade from a variety of backgrounds, and are offered placement into a course based on prior math experience, recommendations, and the completion of a placement exam. The math progression at Berwick Academy includes Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, Single Variable Calculus, and Advanced Topics in Calculus. Students are required to complete three years of math, which must include Geometry and Algebra 2. 
We believe the study of mathematics fosters the development of logical reasoning, attention to detail, and ability to make abstractions, skills that apply to multiple disciplines and life skills.

Mathematics Course Progression

List of 5 items.

  • Algebra I

    Algebra I is a foundational course designed to transition students into the Upper School. It covers operations on integers and monomials, solutions of first degree equations, elementary word problems, factoring, percents, simple number line graphs, operations on rational numbers, polynomials, radicals, properties of exponents, graphing linear equations inequalities, systems of linear equations; graphing, and solving quadratics.
  • Geometry

    Geometry is designed to transition students into the Upper School through its emphasis on problem-solving, mathematical thinking and communication. As an entry level course, students are coming from a myriad of different math experiences. We incorporate fundamental algebraic skills when examining the geometric shapes of lines, angles, triangles, polygons, and circles. We also cover the traditional geometry concepts of Pythagorean Theorem, similarity, trigonometry, transformations and spatial reasoning. Proofs are used throughout the course, and skills are developed through a collaborative classroom experience. An emphasis on algebra and coordinate geometry will establish a firm foundation and prepare students to be successful in this course, and as they move onto Algebra II.
  • Algebra II

    Topics include data and linear representations, functions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, polynomial functions, rational functions and radical functions, descriptive data analysis, and could include an intro to circular trigonometry.

    Prerequisite: Geometry        
  • Pre-Calculus

    Precalculus builds on the topics covered in Algebra II in order to prepare students for calculus. It focuses on developing complex problem solving skills and mathematical modeling and evaluates functions using words, symbols, data and graphing. The topics covered in the course include piecewise and inverse functions, trigonometric functions, polynomial functions, rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, an introduction to analytic geometry, sequences and series, vectors, and matrices (as time permits).

    Prerequisite: Geometry and Algebra II
  • Single Variable Calculus

    Single Variable Calculus involves the study of limits, derivatives, and integrals and their applications. This course begins with a review of the behavior of functions as covered in Pre-Calculus. It emphasizes application to real world scenarios across a variety of disciplines, such as physics, economics, and biology. 

    Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus

Explore The Upper School:

Berwick Academy

Berwick Academy, situated on an 80-acre campus just over one hour north of Boston, serves 520 students, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 and Postgraduates. Berwick students are from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and several countries. Deeply committed to its mission of promoting virtue and useful knowledge, Berwick Academy empowers students to be creative and bold. Berwick strives to graduate alumni who shape their own learning, take risks, ask thoughtful questions, and come to understand and celebrate their authentic selves.