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About Us
Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Multicultural & Anti-Bias Curriculum

Berwick Academy actively works to integrate themes of multiculturalism, inclusion, and diversity into all divisions and subject areas. Below are just a few examples of some of the curricula and pedagogy already in place at Berwick.

List of 3 items.

  • Lower School

    The Lower School utilizes a “mirrors and windows” approach with integrating cultural competency and multiculturalism in their curriculum. Throughout the year, students have multiple opportunities to learn about the identity and experiences of others (windows) and have theirs reflected in what they read and the projects they engage in (mirrors). This understanding of self and others is critical and becomes interrelated to the division’s focus on social-emotional learning as students build skills of self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship skills.

    Learn more about Lower School academics.
  • Middle School

    The curriculum in the Middle School spans a variety of topics and subject matters with a multicultural focus. Sixth-grade humanities integrates North American Indigenous history with literature and writing through the lens of narrative and storytelling. Seventh-grade world cultures work closely with science in their Global Ex project, focusing on the cultural and geographic study of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Eighth-grade history explores “The American Experience” (“TAM”) through the following thematic units: Perspectives on Democracy - including an in-depth analysis of the Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties; Race, Civil Rights, and Social Justice in America; War, Trauma, and the Veterans Experience; and Industry, Innovation & Entrepreneurship - an empathy and innovation-driven unit.

    Learn more about Middle School academics.
  • Upper School

    Many of our Upper School history and English classes challenge students to engage with the narratives of people whose cultures and lives differ greatly from their own. For example, in our 9th grade history classes, we ask our students to explore the myriad of spiritual traditions within Hinduism in one trimester while learning about the intricacies of the Koran and the triumphs of the medieval Islamic empire in another. By immersing our students in such vibrant and diverse stories, Berwick humanities classes help our students develop empathy and the ability to appreciate and leverage difference, preparing them for our increasingly diverse and connected world.

    Upper School students also have the option to follow the Global Citizen Pathway as a framework for their academic experience.

Travel Program

Our commitment to travel as an essential element of building cultural skills has become more present in our community in recent years. In 2014, we began offering formal supplemental financial aid to students who require extra resources to enjoy these enriching experiences. Learn more about our Travel Program.

Innovation Pursuits®

The Berwick Innovation Center allows students in Grades 4-12 to pursue an area of interest or passion through self-directed study with the assistance of an involved mentor. Some of the Innovation Pursuits® involving a multicultural or inclusive theme include:
  • Musical expression and American Sign Language
  • Comparing differences in educational models on a worldwide scale
  • Sustainability of education in the developing world
  • A comparative study on the infrastructure of 24 countries across the globe
  • Exploration of social justice in different areas of the world
  • An original story inspired by an investigation of the Holocaust

Learn more about the Berwick Innovation Center.

Berwick Academy

Berwick Academy, situated on an 80-acre campus just over one hour north of Boston, serves 520 students, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 and Postgraduates. Berwick students are from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and several countries. Deeply committed to its mission of promoting virtue and useful knowledge, Berwick Academy empowers students to be creative and bold. Berwick strives to graduate alumni who shape their own learning, take risks, ask thoughtful questions, and come to understand and celebrate their authentic selves.